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Sony PSP Slim - Playing Game Conoles

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sony PSP SlimGaming Consoles Playstation Slim was created by Sony in 2007 in Competition of Nintendo DS Lite in one sense it was a revolution in field of Game. It is called the name with Sony PSP slim and it is of 189 grams. Acctually it is more slimmer than original PSP system.

It was in all over Europe and America in 2007. Older model batteries will still work with the PSP Slim & Lite which extends the amount of playing time on the PSP Slim & Lite. Sony PSP Slim is with a new enamel coated finish that can prevent scratches and smudges. The serial port is also modified as to accommodate a new video-out feature.

You can say it new model of Sony PSP Slim. It has a new UMD loading tray design that will make it more efficient in terms of size, while the Wi-Fi switch is now moved to the top of the console and the memory stick slot to the upper left.

PSP Slim and Lite model gaming console offers several other tweaks and improvements from the older PSP Model.


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